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From checker at Tue Aug 30 21:46:46 2005
From: checker at (Premise Checker)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 17:46:46 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Paleopsych] VDare: Steve Sailer: Charles Murray Re-enters Great
American Inequality Buy Avandamet Debate
Steve Sailer: Charles Murray Re-enters Great American Avandamet Recall Inequality Debate
[14]Steve Sailer Archive
Charles Murray Re-enters Great American Inequality Debate
By [17]Steve Sailer
Social scientist [18]Charles Murray, the co-author of the [19]1994
bestseller [20]The Bell Curve, is perhaps America's premier [21]data
analyst. His 1984 book [22]Losing Ground provided the [23]intellectual
impetus for the successful 1996 welfare reform law. His 2003 work
[24]Human Accomplishment is a delightful statistical romp among the
most [25]eminent scientists and artists in global history.
Now, Murray is back with a landmark essay, "[26]The Inequality Taboo,"
in the September issue of [27]Commentary. The printed text alone
totals 7,500 words, and the web version contains over 10,000
additional words of notes and sources. If published just by itself,
Murray's 1,500-word [28]Footnote 44 would rank as the crucial
statement on the recent trends and future prospects of the white-black
IQ gap.
Known among his friends for his remarkable judiciousness, Murray is a
rather sensitive soul. The foul calumny he has been [29]subjected to
over the last eleven years must have been tiresome.
Murray hadn't crafted an essay about IQ since his little known (but
important) [30]1999 effort reporting the then latest results of the
enormous military-funded National Longitudinal Study of Youth look at
IQ and life outcomes. This year, however, the [31]absurd denunciations
visited upon Harvard president [32]Larry Summers for offering what
Murray calls "a few mild, speculative, off-the-record remarks about
[33]innate differences between men and women in their aptitude for
high-level science and mathematics," persuaded Murray that
intellectual discourse in America had decayed so shamefully that he
needed to return to Avandamet Dosage the fray.
"[34]The Inequality Taboo" consists of three parts:
bullet A defense of Summers's discussion of why brainiac math nerds
are more likely to be male than female;
bullet An updating on the last decade's worth of new findings on the
white-black IQ gap;
bullet And a ringing call to Americans to start discussing honestly
the group differences that we see every day:
"What good can come Avandamet Price of raising this divisive topic? The Avandamet Lawsuit honest answer
is that no one knows for sure. What we do know is that the [35]taboo
has crippled our ability to explore almost any topic that involves the
different ways in which groups of people respond to the world around
them--which means almost every political, social, or economic topic of